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CLOSE THIS BOOKShaping of Grooves - Course: Techniques for machining of material. Trainees' handbook of lessons (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 21 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Purpose and importance of the technique of shaping grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Construction and kinds of tools for shaping grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Preparation for shaping of grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Shaping of simple grooves (rectangular grooves)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Shaping of T-slots
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Shaping of dovetail grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Shaping of profiles

7. Shaping of profiles

Machining of profiles on the shaping machine is often applied, as production at favourable costs, especially single-piece production, is possible with relatively simple tools.

Figure 21. Profiles

The more surfaces and shapes of different kind exist on the workpiece, the higher are the skills required for machining the profiles.

Profile workpieces are machined by manufacturing the surfaces and shapes individually one after the other.

Profiles are shaped in most cases by means of:

- contours marked on the workpiece
- templates
- sample workpieces.

Machining is made in the following working steps:

- positioning of the tool according to marking, template or sample workpiece
- scratching of the workpiece
- checking for accuracy of dimensions and profile

· Before finishing, recess the groove centrally.

· Finish the profile.

· Check for dimensional and geometrical accuracy.

· Work in the machine vice.

· Be sure to align the workpiece exactly plane-parallel.

· If profiles are rough-machined before, adjust the tool according to the necessary machining allowance by placing a slip gauge on the template or the sample workpiece.

· Only such pieces are suited as sample workpieces which can be chucked with the workpiece directly in the machine vice.

· If several workpieces with the same profile are to be manufactured, position them one after the other according to the possibility of clamping and machine them together. When clamping the workpieces take care to ensure that all workpieces are positioned next to each other plane-parallel and well aligned.