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CLOSE THIS BOOKShaping of Grooves - Course: Techniques for machining of material. Trainees' handbook of lessons (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 21 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Purpose and importance of the technique of shaping grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Construction and kinds of tools for shaping grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Preparation for shaping of grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Shaping of simple grooves (rectangular grooves)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Shaping of T-slots
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Shaping of dovetail grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Shaping of profiles

6. Shaping of dovetail grooves

Dovetail grooves are machined in the following working steps:

- recessing of a rectangular groove
- machining of an inclined surface
- machining of the opposite surface

Figure 20. Working steps when machining dovetail guides

(1) recessing of a rectangular groove, (2) machining of an inclined surface, (3) machining of the opposite surface, 1 feeding movement

· Work with the machine vice.

· Align the workpiece accurately and in parallel.

· Recess the rectangular groove to the depth of the dovetail groove to be produced and finish-machine the upper width.

· Cut out both side parts one after the other (shoulder tool).

· Wide and flat dovetail grooves can be shaped with a forming tool after the rectangular groove has been cut out.

Why are at first the depth and upper width finish-machined when making dovetail grooves?

When are dovetail grooves finished in one operation?

What functions do dovetail guides have?

What are the criteria for feeding when inclined surfaces are machined?

Grooves are checked according to the required accuracy at several points of the workpiece by means of depth gauge, vernier caliper, slip gauge or gauge.

The geometrical accuracy is checked vertically to the machining direction with a gauge.