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CLOSE THIS BOOKShaping of Grooves - Course: Techniques for machining of material. Trainees' handbook of lessons (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 21 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Purpose and importance of the technique of shaping grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Construction and kinds of tools for shaping grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Preparation for shaping of grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Shaping of simple grooves (rectangular grooves)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Shaping of T-slots
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Shaping of dovetail grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Shaping of profiles

1. Purpose and importance of the technique of shaping grooves

Grooves are joints of different shapes such as spline-shaft key-seats, shaft keyseats or hub keyways. They serve mainly for mounting and guiding of the part itself or other parts.

Shaping of grooves on shaping machines (mechanical) is a special kind of machining shapes. It is characterized by the fact that the corresponding grooves shape is cut into the plane surfaces or end faces of the workpiece. For this purpose the profile of the required surface of the workpiece is recessed in the tool or the shaped surface is produced by a positively coupled and controlled feeding movement.

Grooves are shaped in most cases immediately after the plane surfaces or end faces have been machined. That is why the position of the groove is determined by the positional accuracy of the base surface.

Profiles are often shaped as in this way they can be produced with relatively simple tools at lower costs as compared with milling tools, especially in single and small-scale series production.