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CLOSE THIS BOOKShaping of Grooves - Course: Techniques for machining of material. Trainees' handbook of lessons (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 21 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Purpose and importance of the technique of shaping grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Construction and kinds of tools for shaping grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Preparation for shaping of grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Shaping of simple grooves (rectangular grooves)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Shaping of T-slots
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Shaping of dovetail grooves
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Shaping of profiles

2. Construction and kinds of tools for shaping grooves

Figure 1. Grooving tool

(1) straight grooving tool,
(2) chamfered grooving tool,
(3) rounded grooving tool,
(4) prismatic grooving tool

For the technique of shaping grooves on shaping machines mainly the straight, chamfered or rounded grooving tool is used. These grooving tools can be manufactured most easily and can take up the greatest forces.

For special shapes of grooves the grooving tools to be used are ground according to the shape to be manufactured.

Figure 2. Grooving tool for special shapes

What components does a grooving tool consist of?

Figure 3. Construction of a grooving tool

1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________

Due to the complexity of the grooves and the constantly interrupted cut during approach and run-out of the tool, tools made of high-speed steel are normally used. Carbide-tipped tools often chip. Bent tools (hook tools) are used when machining with straight tools is not possible.

Figure 4. Bent tool (hook tool)

As they are more difficult to manufacture than straight tools, they are relatively seldom used for shaping.

Whether a tool is a right-hand tool or a left-hand tool can be determined when the tool points with its cutting part to the person holding it. If the primary cutting edge is on the left, it is a left-hand tool.

Why are mainly tools made of high-speed steel used for shaping grooves?