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CLOSE THIS BOOKOne Hundred and One Technologies - From the South for the South (IDRC, 1992, 231 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTAcknowledgements
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. The jab-seeder a tool for manual seeding
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Promoting the use of soybeans
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. The improvement of chickpea and lentil production
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Beekeeping in rural areas
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Forage system for semi-arid areas
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Women and integrated pest management
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Mulbud a computerized calculator for multi-crop farm budgets
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. The rubber-tire groundnut sheller
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Hand-operated wooden groundnut shellers
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. The grain mini-dehuller
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Dehulling businesses run by women
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Small-scale rural oilseed processing
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. Improved oilseed press
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Improved methods for storing corn
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. Improved grain storage
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Multi-crop dryers
VIEW THE DOCUMENT17. Potato based food products for low-income consumers
VIEW THE DOCUMENT18. Diffused light storage for seed potatoes
VIEW THE DOCUMENT19. Cooling technologies for the preservation of fruits and vegetables
VIEW THE DOCUMENT20. Act-ais agricultural marketing information system
VIEW THE DOCUMENT21. Alley farming
VIEW THE DOCUMENT22. Using paulownia trees for intercropping
VIEW THE DOCUMENT23. Agroforestry seed information clearinghouse
VIEW THE DOCUMENT24. Agroforestry seed centre for southern Africa
VIEW THE DOCUMENT25. Agroforestry in semi-arid areas
VIEW THE DOCUMENT26. Live fences for protecting crops and plants
VIEW THE DOCUMENT27. A windbreak for protecting crops
VIEW THE DOCUMENT28. Non-toxic aquarium fish-catching
VIEW THE DOCUMENT29. Remote sensing for artisanal fisheries
VIEW THE DOCUMENT30. Chinese methods for integrating fish culture with crop and livestock farming
VIEW THE DOCUMENT31. Fish spawning kit
VIEW THE DOCUMENT32. Rice-fish culture
VIEW THE DOCUMENT33. Acadja fish rearing in lagoons
VIEW THE DOCUMENT34. Artisanal oyster farming
VIEW THE DOCUMENT35. Swimtop a natural piscicide to protect shellfish culture
VIEW THE DOCUMENT36. Fish attractors to increase tuna catches by small-scale fishermen
VIEW THE DOCUMENT37. Improved technologies for artisanal fishing
VIEW THE DOCUMENT38. Micro-hydroelectricity potential in rural areas
VIEW THE DOCUMENT39. The partial carbonization of peat to make domestic fuel
VIEW THE DOCUMENT40. The ceramic jiko stove
VIEW THE DOCUMENT41. Integrated wood-based energy system
VIEW THE DOCUMENT42. Iguana farming for food and tropical forest preservation
VIEW THE DOCUMENT43. Industrial waste exchange system
VIEW THE DOCUMENT44. Recycled plastic sheets for greenhouses
VIEW THE DOCUMENT45. Electronic networking for african environmental ngos
VIEW THE DOCUMENT46. Costa rica’s new national account system for the environment
VIEW THE DOCUMENT47. Tannin produced from pine bark
VIEW THE DOCUMENT48. Low-cost extraction techniques for essential oils
VIEW THE DOCUMENT49. Carmine dye extraction process for rural enterprises
VIEW THE DOCUMENT50. Usable lumber made from waste wood
VIEW THE DOCUMENT51. Bamboo mat board - a replacement for plywood
VIEW THE DOCUMENT52. Synapse a system for microcomputer-based instrumentation
VIEW THE DOCUMENT53. Low-cost dobby to improve small-scale commercial weaving
VIEW THE DOCUMENT54. Inexpensive bricks made from bauxite waste
VIEW THE DOCUMENT55. Low-cost wall panels from blast furnace slag cement
VIEW THE DOCUMENT56. Improved methods for firing bricks
VIEW THE DOCUMENT57. Quake-proof adobe housing
VIEW THE DOCUMENT58. Low-cost cement made with volcanic ash
VIEW THE DOCUMENT59. An international network to promote ferrocement technology
VIEW THE DOCUMENT60. Inexpensive blood-screening for HIV
VIEW THE DOCUMENT61. Solar-powered infant scale
VIEW THE DOCUMENT62. Hand-held scale for identifying low weight newborns
VIEW THE DOCUMENT63. Colour-coded test strips for detecting urinary protein
VIEW THE DOCUMENT64. Equipment and training packages for health workers
VIEW THE DOCUMENT65. Training materials in health systems research
VIEW THE DOCUMENT66. Poisons information package
VIEW THE DOCUMENT67. Improved housing to fight the spread of chagas’ disease
VIEW THE DOCUMENT68. A community-based approach to schistosomiasis control
VIEW THE DOCUMENT69. An environmentally friendly means of malaria control
VIEW THE DOCUMENT70. Fertilizer- producing no-pit latrine
VIEW THE DOCUMENT71. Action-oriented methods for workers to assess occupational health
VIEW THE DOCUMENT72. Fog-water catchment for water supply in arid areas
VIEW THE DOCUMENT73. Portable water testing kit
VIEW THE DOCUMENT74. Solar-powered desalinators to provide drinking water in arid areas
VIEW THE DOCUMENT75. Ferrocement rainwater catchment tanks
VIEW THE DOCUMENT77. Water disinfection using solar radiation
VIEW THE DOCUMENT78. Rice husk ash filters for potable water
VIEW THE DOCUMENT79. Community-run preschool centres in low-income areas
VIEW THE DOCUMENT80. A school-community integrated system for literacy
VIEW THE DOCUMENT81. Educational games for preschool children
VIEW THE DOCUMENT82. Spanish-language software for basic education
VIEW THE DOCUMENT83. Rural community-based system for university-level education
VIEW THE DOCUMENT84. Materials to improve rural primary education and counter school leaving
VIEW THE DOCUMENT85. Teaching building techniques with picture-scripts
VIEW THE DOCUMENT86. Rural information and training services
VIEW THE DOCUMENT87. Education materials for the consumer
VIEW THE DOCUMENT88. Critical and selective TV viewing
VIEW THE DOCUMENT89. A program and materials for street girls
Communication and information
VIEW THE DOCUMENT90. Trilingual training package for video production
VIEW THE DOCUMENT91. Using video to introduce new technologies
VIEW THE DOCUMENT92. Children as agents of change
VIEW THE DOCUMENT93. Policies to limit effects of volcanic disasters in Latin America
VIEW THE DOCUMENT94. Procedure to obtain infant mortality rates in marginalized areas
VIEW THE DOCUMENT95. An information system for child protection agencies
VIEW THE DOCUMENT96. Minisis multilingual software for information management and research
VIEW THE DOCUMENT97. Information on human rights
VIEW THE DOCUMENT98. Redatam software package to access and use small-area census and other data
VIEW THE DOCUMENT99. Information system for juvenile courts
VIEW THE DOCUMENT100. CGNET a network for agricultural research
VIEW THE DOCUMENT101. Computer model for analyzing third world economies