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CLOSE THIS BOOKMaintenance and Storage of Wood - Course: Manual woodworking techniques. Instruction examples for practical vocational training (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 15 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTPreliminary Remarks
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 8.1.: Sawn Timber Storage Yard
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 8.2.: Box-type Pile
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 8.3.: Double-block Pile

Preliminary Remarks

The present booklet contains 3 selected instruction examples to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for the maintenance and storage of wood.

These particular examples are preferably intended for application of the manual technique of natural open-air drying of wood. But with slight modifications, the examples 2 and 3 can also be used for technical drying of wood in drying kilns.

For each example, the necessary materials, tools, measuring and testing means, auxiliary accessories and previous knowledge of the trainees are specified to facilitate the preparation and execution of the work.

The sequence of operations given for each example contains the order of working steps leading to the correct completion of the task. Peculiarities of craftsmanship are pointed out. A working drawing showing the recommended sizes is attached to each instruction example for better understanding of the task. Depending on the local and climatic conditions at the timber yard as well as on specific properties and dimensions of the wood to be stored, modifications thereto can be made by the instructor.