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CLOSE THIS BOOKManual Working of Material/Metal - Course: Manual working of metal. Methodical course-guide for instructors (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 120 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Aims and contents of the course
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Organizational preparation of training
3. Accomplishment of the training
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.1. General recommendations for the procedure of the course
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.2. Introductory instruction
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.3. Exercises with accompanying instructions
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.4. Final instruction
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Objectives and contents of practical vocational training in the working technique of “Chipping”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Organizational preparations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Recommendations for practical vocational training in the working technique of “Chipping”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Application of the working technique of “Chipping”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Captions and legends of the “Chipping” transparencies series
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Objectives and contents of the practical vocational training in the working technique of “Riveting”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Organizational preparations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Recommendations for practical vocational training in the working technique of “Riveting”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Application of the working technique of “Riveting”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Captions and legends of the “Riveting” transparencies series
Grinding of Simple Tools
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Objectives and contents of practical vocational training in the working technique of “Grinding of Simple Tools”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Organizational preparations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Recommendations for practical vocational training in the working technique of “Grinding of Simple Tools”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Application of the working technique of “Grinding of Simple Tools”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Caption and legends of the “Grinding of Simple Tools” transparencies series
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Objectives and Subject Matters of Vocational Training in Shearing Techniques
2. Organizational Preparations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2.1. Planning the Training in Shearing Techniques
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2.2. Preparing the Instructions on Labour Safety
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2.3. Providing the Teaching Aids
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2.4. Providing the Working Means
3. Recommendations Regarding Execution of Vocational Training in Shearing Techniques
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.1. Introductory Instruction
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.2. Practical Exercises
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.3. Examples for Recapitulation and Control
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Aims and Contents of Practical Vocational Training in the Techniques of Bending
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Organizational Preparations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Recommendations for Implementing Vocational Training in Bending Techniques
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Aims and Contents of Practical Vocational Training in the Techniques of Straightening
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Organizational Preparations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Recommendations for Implementing Practical Vocational Training in Straightening Techniques
Annealing, Hardening, Tempering
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Objectives and Contents of the Vocational Training in the Working Techniques “Annealing, Hardening, Tempering”
2. Organizational Preparations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2.1. Preparation of Labour Safety Instructions
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2.2. Preparation of Means of Instruction
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2.3. Preparation of Working Means
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2.4. Planning of Training Phases
3. Recommendations for the Execution of the Vocational Training in the Working Techniques “Annealing, Hardening, Tempering”
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.1. The Introductory Instruction
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.2. The Exercises
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.3. Examples for Recapitulation and Control
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Explanations to the Means of Instruction