|  | Manual Working of Material/Metal - Course: Manual working of metal. Methodical course-guide for instructors (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 120 p.) |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | Introduction |
 |  | 1. Aims and contents of the course |
 |  | 2. Organizational preparation of training |
 |  | 3. Accomplishment of the training |
 |  | 3.1. General recommendations for the procedure of the course |
 |  | 3.2. Introductory instruction |
 |  | 3.3. Exercises with accompanying instructions |
 |  | 3.4. Final instruction |
 |  | Chipping |
 |  | 1. Objectives and contents of practical vocational training in the working technique of Chipping |
 |  | 2. Organizational preparations |
 |  | 3. Recommendations for practical vocational training in the working technique of Chipping |
 |  | 4. Application of the working technique of Chipping |
 |  | 5. Captions and legends of the Chipping transparencies series |
 |  | Riveting |
 |  | 1. Objectives and contents of the practical vocational training in the working technique of Riveting |
 |  | 2. Organizational preparations |
 |  | 3. Recommendations for practical vocational training in the working technique of Riveting |
 |  | 4. Application of the working technique of Riveting |
 |  | 5. Captions and legends of the Riveting transparencies series |
 |  | Grinding of Simple Tools |
 |  | 1. Objectives and contents of practical vocational training in the working technique of Grinding of Simple Tools |
 |  | 2. Organizational preparations |
 |  | 3. Recommendations for practical vocational training in the working technique of Grinding of Simple Tools |
 |  | 4. Application of the working technique of Grinding of Simple Tools |
 |  | 5. Caption and legends of the Grinding of Simple Tools transparencies series |
 |  | Shearing |
 |  | 1. Objectives and Subject Matters of Vocational Training in Shearing Techniques |
 |  | 2. Organizational Preparations |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 2.1. Planning the Training in Shearing Techniques |
 |  | 2.2. Preparing the Instructions on Labour Safety |
 |  | 2.3. Providing the Teaching Aids |
 |  | 2.4. Providing the Working Means |
 |  | 3. Recommendations Regarding Execution of Vocational Training in Shearing Techniques |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 3.1. Introductory Instruction |
 |  | 3.2. Practical Exercises |
 |  | 3.3. Examples for Recapitulation and Control |
 |  | Bending |
 |  | 1. Aims and Contents of Practical Vocational Training in the Techniques of Bending |
 |  | 2. Organizational Preparations |
 |  | 3. Recommendations for Implementing Vocational Training in Bending Techniques |
 |  | Straightening |
 |  | 1. Aims and Contents of Practical Vocational Training in the Techniques of Straightening |
 |  | 2. Organizational Preparations |
 |  | 3. Recommendations for Implementing Practical Vocational Training in Straightening Techniques |
 |  | Annealing, Hardening, Tempering |
 |  | 1. Objectives and Contents of the Vocational Training in the Working Techniques Annealing, Hardening, Tempering |
 |  | 2. Organizational Preparations |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 2.1. Preparation of Labour Safety Instructions |
 |  | 2.2. Preparation of Means of Instruction |
 |  | 2.3. Preparation of Working Means |
 |  | 2.4. Planning of Training Phases |
 |  | 3. Recommendations for the Execution of the Vocational Training in the Working Techniques Annealing, Hardening, Tempering |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 3.1. The Introductory Instruction |
 |  | 3.2. The Exercises |
 |  | 3.3. Examples for Recapitulation and Control |
 |  | 4. Explanations to the Means of Instruction |