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Preserving tomatoes
Three home-processing and preservation techniques

Contents (35 p.)


This brochure contains the commentary accompanying the filmstrip "Preserving tomatoes". The photos illustrating it are black-and-white reproductions of the colour slides in the filmstrip. At the end there is some additional information that makes this brochure a useful handbook for distribution to trainees, and a list of recommendations to the projectionist so that the filmstrip may be shown in the best possible conditions. A commentary recorded on cassette is also available.

This audio-visual course explains in great detail three techniques for home-processing and preservation of tomatoes, namely: the preparation of peeled tomato preserves, tomato pulp and dried tomatoes.

It is intended to help trainers and extension agents in their educational work with women's groups also farmers who run into serious problems every year when they are obliged to sell roups and village cooperatives, their surplus production at a loss.

At the request of the Ministry of Family Promotion in Burkina Faso - where all the photographs were taken and with financing from project TCP/BKF/6658(T), "Tomato processing and preservation", the filmstrip was made by the Information Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Text: Giuseppe Amoriggi
Marie-Colette Zanga
Yves Vequaud
Photos: Christian Errath


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Contents (35 p.)

Three home-processing and preservation techniques
Production diagram for the three preservation techniques
Sterilization time
Processing materials and equipment
Recommendations for using the filmstrip