Project: PFL/ZAM/003/PFL, Final Report, R. A. Boxall (Editor)
September 1997
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2.1 Objectives
2.2 The Analytical Framework
2.3 Methodology
5.1 Harvesting
5.2 Drying
5.3 Shelling
5.4 Cleaning/Winnowing
5.5 Storage
5.5.1 Maize varieties
5.5.2 Methods of storage for home consumption
5.5.3 The attitude of producers to the liberalised market
5.5.4 Coping strategies for holding maize surpluses at the farm-level
5.5.5 The appropriateness of improved storage structures
5.5.6 The Larger Grain Borer
5.5.7 Communal storage
5.6 Maize Marketing
5.7 Maize Processing
5.7.1 Household level
5.7.2 Village level and peri-urban processing
6.1 Harvesting
6.2 Soaking
6.3 Peeling
6.4 Drying
6.4.1 Wood-fired drier
6.5 Storage
6.6 Processing
6.6.1 Pounding And Milling
6.6.2 Chipping And Grating Machines
7.1 Extension
7.1.1 Gender Issues in Extension
7.2 Market Information
8.1 The Analytical Framework
8.2 Government Policy
8.2.1 Maize Marketing
8.2.2 Post-harvest Extension and Research
8.3 The Post-production System for Maize
8.3.1 Harvesting and Drying
8.3.2 Shelling
8.3.3 Storage and Marketing
8.3.4 Improved Structures for On-farm Storage
8.3.5 The Larger Grain Borer
8.3.6 Storage Insecticides
8.3.7 Communal storage
8.4 The Post-Production System for Cassava
8.4.1 Peeling
8.4.2. Drying
8.4.3. Processing
8.5 Hammermill Enterprises
1. Comments on the analytical framework
2. Changes in the total area under cultivation and production levels for selected crops
3. Economic analysis of a sunflower enterprise compared to maize in Kalomo District