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The ecology of Prostephanus truncatus in Togo with particular emphasis on interaction with the predator Teretriosoma nigrescens

125 pages

Table of contents

Jürgen Helbig


Published by:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH,
OE 423-2
Postfach 5180
D-65726 Eschborn

Project "Integrated Control of the Larger Grain Borer an Associated Insect Pests in Farmers' Stores"
PN 93.2504.4,
Albert Bell

Photographs: Jürgen Helbig
Translation: A. Kathryn Tolson
Layout: Claudia A. Herok
Printed by: TZ Vorlagsgesellschaft mbH

Printed in Germany
© 1995 GTZ

The copyright of this publication is vested in the “Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH”. Applications for permissions to reproduce this publication, in whole or in part, by any method or process, should be addressed, with a statement of purpose and extend of the reproduction desired, to GTZ - Stabsstelle 01, Postfach 5180, D-65726 Eschborn, Germany



List of abbreviations


1. Introduction

2. Infestation and losses in farm-level maize storage

2.1 Material and methods
2.2 Long storage season 1988/89
2.3 Short storage period in 1989
2.4 Short storage period 1990
2.5 Progression of infestation in the maize store
2.6 Structure of the damage to the maize cobs

3. Aspects of the ecology of prostephanus truncatus

3.1 Survival on various substrates
3.2 Reproduction on various substrates
3.3 Interaction with useful endemic insects
3.4 Losses of various varieties of maize
3.5 Losses for cassava chips
3.6 Pheromone trapping in the field

4. Relationship between prostephanus truncatus teretriosoma nigrescens

4.1 Influence of teretriosoma nigrescens under near-to-practical conditions
4.2 Comparison of the efficacy of teretriosoma nigrescens in Togo and Costa Rica

5. Aspects of the ecology of teretriosoma nigrescens

5.1 Behaviour of teretriosoma nigrescens when faced with plant-based stored produce
5.2 Influence on some species of bostrichidae
5.3 Release of teretriosoma nigrescens

6. Discussion

6.1 Significance of prostephanus truncatus for the storage of maize in Togo
6.2 Possible biological control of prostephanus truncatus using the imported predator teretriosoma nigrescens

7. Summary

8 .Literature

9. Contact addresses
