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Learning to Compete: Education, Training & Enterprise in Ghana, Kenya & South Africa - Education Research Paper No. 42, 1999, 122 p.

Table of Contents

Dela Afenyadu, Kenneth King, Simon McGrath, Henry Oketch, Christian Rogerson, Kobus Visser

November 1999


Report presented to the Education Department, Department For International Development by the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh

Serial No. 42

ISBN: 1 86192 314 7

Department For International Development

Table of Contents

Department for International Development - Education Papers

Other Education Research Papers in This Series

Other DFID Education Studies also Available




Executive Summary

Chapter One: Developing a Learning-Led Competitiveness Approach

Chapter Two: Building Learning Enterprises

Chapter Three: Education for Micro Enterprise and Macro Economic Growth

Chapter Four: Training for Self-Employment and for Competitiveness

Chapter Five: Lessons from Learning to Compete

Chapter Six: Recommendations


Appendix One: The Research Team

Appendix Two: List of Project Papers